We can do this!
Indigo Care Partners Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to sourcing assistance and advocacy for various healthcare challenges.
Indigo Care Partners Inc. works with non-profit organizations and advocacy groups to support those struggling with the cost of healthcare services.
We support individuals and families who have been affected by sudden acute, chronic, or terminal illnesses; rare diseases; hearing loss; food insecurity; loss of limbs; and more.
"Illness doesn't discriminate! Everyone should have affordable, convenient healthcare and family resources. Regardless of income, age, or location, you deserve solutions that you can count on!" Jacquelynn Neat
Indigo Leadership
Jacquelynn Neat and her family have been personally impacted by the healthcare insurance crisis. Dedicated to advocacy, education, and resource support for affordable, healthcare benefits, Indigo Care Partners works with other organizations to access resources for families.
As a licensed Benefits Specialist with decades of experience, Jacquelynn decided she could not sit by and watch any longer. Health insurance has become increasingly unaffordable to those she had served for so long. She found herself desperately trying to assist families and small businesses being hit by extraordinarily high costs of healthcare that were threatening their very financial stability.
Jacquelynn explains, "Many Americans are paying more now for health insurance than housing, and when that illness comes, the cost of healthcare is still unaffordable with deductibles and out-of-pocket expenses."
With experience, insights, and relationships in the industry, Jacquelynn's team is now collaborating with other organizations to help individuals and families find free resources and assistance when those tragic moments in life occur.
Jacquelynn believes a family should not have to make a choice between healthcare for a loved one and bankruptcy.
Explore the Indigo Resource Library or Contact Indigo for assistance.