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Resource Library


The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society offers financial support for medical bills and living expenses for those who qualify, caregiver support,  and multiple resources for cancer patients.

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Lazarex Cancer Foundation improves the outcome of cancer care, giving hope, dignity and life to advanced stage cancer patients and the medically underserved by providing assistance with costs for FDA clinical trial participation, identification of clinical trial options, community outreach and engagement. Lazarex Cancer Foundation provides resources for cancer patients who have been told they have no other options, but who are not yet done with their journey in life and refuse to give up.

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People turn to the Riordan Clinic to restore, improve, and maintain health.

For more than 47 years our providers combine the best of orthomolecular, functional, naturopathic, and integrative medicine to determine the underlying or root causes of co-learner (patient) symptoms and formulate customized patient care plans to arrest and reverse those conditions.

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